Applications of the GDELT project in heritage conservation: the case of the IIMA (L. Kahn)




Heritage, Gdelt project, Indian Institute of Management of Ahmedabad, social networking, Louis Kahn


The diffusion through social networks popularizes the architectural fact. Its visibility contributes to awakening an international sensitivity that in many cases ends with political and social decisions for the benefit of the conservation of architecture. This article addresses, as a case study, the recent demolition proposal of Louis Kahn's IIMA, in Ahmedabad (India). On this example, it is studied how the messages that circulate in the digital media can be directed to achieve some aspect related to their conservation. The methodology of this research has been fundamentally experimental, in which different variables have been considered: the architectural reality of the building (the IIMA); the news published in different digital media; and how long the news has been active. The GDELT Project is used as a tool to analyze the communicative narratives present on the internet network.


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Author Biography

Miguel Martínez-Monedero, Universidad de Granada, España

Málaga (1972). Dr Arquitecto y Master en Restauración Arquitectónica por la Universidad de Valladolid. Profesor de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la ETS de Arquitectura de Granada. Ha participado en proyectos nacionales de investigación: "Restauración y desarrollismo en España. 1959-1975", HAR2011-23918 (2012-2014, MICINN); "Reciclajes Urbanos", Ref. BIA2088-02753 (2008-2011, MICINN); y "Reconstrucción y restauración monumental en España 1938-1958", Ref. HUM2007-62699 (2009-2012, MICINN). Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación: HUM-813, "Arquitectura y cultura contemporánea". Ha sido becario Torres Quevedo Ref. PTQ-08-01-06641 del MICINN 2008-11 y FPU del MEC (1998-2002) Ref. AP-98. En los últimos años mantiene una línea de investigación sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico de Marruecos. Finalmente, dirige el estudio profesional MM-arquitectura


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How to Cite

Vergara Muñoz , J., & Martínez-Monedero, M. (2022). Applications of the GDELT project in heritage conservation: the case of the IIMA (L. Kahn). Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 11(22).