Cuenca, fifteen years as world heritage: evaluation of the processes of documentation and monitoring


  • Verónica Heras Barros Universidad de Cuenca



Cuenca has a unique and unrepeatable historic center that has won the title of World Cultural Heritage. However, after fifteen years of its declaration, the heritage property that comprise it are exposed to a gradual deterioration due to the lack of economic and technical resources for its conservation, to which must be added the underutilization of heritage education and heritage information.

Keywords: Monitoring System, periodic reporting.


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Author Biography

Verónica Heras Barros, Universidad de Cuenca

Architect, Ph.D.


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How to Cite

Heras Barros, V. (2016). Cuenca, fifteen years as world heritage: evaluation of the processes of documentation and monitoring. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 4(6), 27–35.