The architecture of Sverre Fehn. The universe in a line.


  • Iván Rincón Borrego Universidad de Valladolid



El Laberinto, Hvasser, La Tierra, Sverre Fehn


The work of Sverre Fehn, Prize Pritzker of Architecture in 1997, is one of the most cryptic and seductive legacies of the architecture of second half of century XX. This research analyses the original watercolours Sverre Fehn performs for decades on the island of Hvasser. It unravels the cultural heritage embodied in them, as well as the remarkable process of abstraction they represent. The author's interest in drawing sailboats and horizons is the first step in understanding some of his most relevant fables; The Earth as a Great Museum and The Labyrinth. The ideas and cultural references that we find in them can be considered part of the creative process that becomes in the architecture and teaching work of Fehn.

Keywords: Earth, Hvasser, Labyrinth, Sverre Fehn.


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Author Biography

Iván Rincón Borrego, Universidad de Valladolid

Universidad de Valladolid


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How to Cite

Rincón Borrego, I. (2017). The architecture of Sverre Fehn. The universe in a line. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 6(10), 103–114.