Embodyment and experience as a factor of change. From 60’s to 80’s. XX century


  • Francisco Javier Fuentes Farías Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo




History show us that architecture is eventually engaged to issues outside it’s concern, because architectural space at same time shows physicall and inmaterial faces, as well as it’s formal and social meaning. On this way, built space, or architectural space, is an assumption of shifting on conceptual theories and paradigm, in sciences and humanities, over main categories and conceptions about space, time, and object-subject, but mainly to join both feeling and thinking, emotion and reflection. This papers is an attempt to look at main issues about architectural object to social and symbolic space related, mainly to the subjective experience of meaning and sense of place. At all, cartesian perspective about subject-object split has been carried to a constructivist and complex perspective where architectural object cant’t be studied if we exclude the environment and symbolic sphere.

Keywords: perception, experience, complexity, critical architecture, built space.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Farías, F. J. (2017). Embodyment and experience as a factor of change. From 60’s to 80’s. XX century. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 7(12), 113–120. https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v007.n012.a10