The contribution of drawings to the cultural heritage values identification


  • Julia Tamayo Abril Universidad de Cuenca
  • Genoveva Malo Azuay University
  • Gabriela García University of Cuenca



manual drawing, qualitative information, valorization process


Vernacular architecture is considered as a cultural legacy which study has gained prominence during the last decades. Indeed, its complex and dynamic nature requires a depth understanding in order to guarantee its conservation and to maximize its use as a source of innovation for contemporary architecture. This paper reflects on the importance of drawings as a potential tool to communicate and evidence the cultural heritage values attached to these modest buildings. A comparative analysis is presented, contrasting quantitative data and qualitative data obtained from the research carried out at the end of the eighties. The main findings emphasize the role of drawings as a no verbal – visual language easy to comprehend for diverse audiences and capable to communicate valuable information to different fields.


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How to Cite

Tamayo Abril, J., Malo, G., & García, G. (2019). The contribution of drawings to the cultural heritage values identification. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 8(16), 33–45.