Incidence of forestry solar permeability on the thermal behavior of urbanizations adapted to hillside areas


  • Ana Laura Castillo, Dra. Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía (INAHE), CCT Mendoza. CONICET Argentina
  • Erica Norma Correa, Dra.
  • María Alicia Cantón, DEA



Tree alignment adapted, hillside, sustainable environment, microclimate urban, ENVI-met


Although afforestation is an essential component to improve environmental quality and urban thermal habitability, there is a few quantitative information on the impact of the selection of species in combination with morphological and climatic characteristics of the site. This work approach the incidence of two species of tree alignment on the thermal behavior of two adapted urban schemes: linear organic grid and organic grid with Cul-de-Sac. The forestry species -White mulberry and China berry tree- present similar characteristics and differ in their solar permeability (14.53% and 19.79%). Using the ENVI-met software, the different cases were simulated by adjusting the theoretical model to a real monitored case. The results show differences in the maximum temperatures greater than 4°C between the species studied in the linear organic grid and not very significant differences in the organic Cul-de-Sac grid. This research will collaborate in the selection and design of proposals for a sustainable urban development in the hillsides of Mendoza, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Castillo, A. L., Correa, E. N., & Cantón, M. A. (2022). Incidence of forestry solar permeability on the thermal behavior of urbanizations adapted to hillside areas. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 11(21).