Energetic efficiency in residential buildings


  • Vanessa Guillén Mena Universidad de Cuenca
  • Felipe Quesada Molina Universidad de Cuenca
  • María López Catalán Universidad de Cuenca
  • Diana Orellana Valdés Universidad de Cuenca
  • Alex Serrano Universidad de Cuenca




This investigation is a review on the state of art about worldwide energy consumption in residential buildings and analyzes policies, energy efficiency strategies and the most influential sustainable methods of evaluation as: Leed, Breeam, Verde, Casbee and Qualitel, that have emerged in order to mitigate the environmental impact and reduce energy consumption maintaining optimum comfort conditions. Based on the category “Energy” certification methods, it has been identified the variables that have the greatest impact on housing energy consumption, so that it can be assessed the energy performance in every aspect. Among the most important we have: thermal envelope, lighting, water heating, appliances, HVAC, renewable energy, and others.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, energy, energy certification, thermal comfort, sustainable housing.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Guillén Mena, Universidad de Cuenca


Felipe Quesada Molina, Universidad de Cuenca


Diana Orellana Valdés, Universidad de Cuenca


Alex Serrano, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Guillén Mena, V., Quesada Molina, F., López Catalán, M., Orellana Valdés, D., & Serrano, A. (2015). Energetic efficiency in residential buildings. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 4(7), 59–67. https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v004.n007.07

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