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Research paper / Artículo
CALL for Ecuador’s universities
ATENCIÓN para las universidades ecuatorianas
Emeritus, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
Author: jan.feyen @kuleuven.be
Fecha de recepci=
ón: 10
de noviembre de 2019 - Fecha de aceptación: 29 de noviembre de 2019
The definition of wake-up call is
something that alerts people to an unsatisfactory situation and drives them=
remedy it. In this sense, toda=
publication of QS World University Rankings 2020 can be seen as a wake-up c=
for Ecuador’s universities, SENESCYT, CACES and CES. First, the article
assesses the performance of Ecuador’s universities using the QS World
University Rankings 2020 method. The analysis reveals that the group of
Ecuadorian universities with better performance is extremely small and, in
addition, most of the institutions included in the 2020 QS ranking saw their
ranking declined with respect to their ranking in 2019. Parallel to the QS
ranking, the publication record in SCOPUS journals of 11 better ranked
Ecuadorian universities was analyzed for the period 2009-2019. The average
annual number of published papers increased drastically in this period from
22.2 to 192 (873%), although the surveyed institutions saw their annual
publication record raising, some of them were not able to maintain their
position. The second section of the manuscript highlights what the Ecuadori=
universities ought to do to improve their performance and their contributio=
n to
the progress of society. According to the author, universities must urgently
invest in quality, take advantage of the potential of modern learning metho=
make research a mature and equivalent component, stimulate cross-border
collaboration at all levels and convert the spin-off into hubs of innovatio=
Doing so requires not only a changing attitude of the authorities, but of t=
entire academic community of professors and researchers, administrative and
technical personnel, but most importantly of the government administrations=
charge of higher education. To convert public HEIs into institutions that a=
capable of offering graduates who possess the knowledge and skills necessar=
y to
face the challenges of today and tomorrow while ensuring sustainable econom=
growth in harmony with the environment, universities must be reengineered i=
n a
straightforward way. The institutional pillars subject for renewal are
described in the third section of this article. To convert the reengineerin=
g of
the university into a feasible project, it is essential that the ones that =
the decisions open their mind and realize that universities in the 21st cen=
require a completely different governance. Additionally, the noses of all
personnel should be turned in the same direction, personnel cooperate
intensely, and corruption, collusion and
nepotism are eliminated.
University ranking, 21st century challenges, reengineering of HEIs, shared
governance, multidisciplinary nature of problems, inter-faculty and
inter-university cooperation.
Una llamada de atención es una alerta sobre una
situación insatisfactoria que impulsa a las personas a remediarla. En este
sentido, la reciente publicación del QS World University Rankings 2020 puede
verse como una llamada de atención para las universidades de Ecuador, SENES=
CACES y CES. En primer lugar, el presente trabajo evalúa el desempeño de las
universidades ecuatorianas utilizando el método QS World University Rankings
2020. El análisis revela que el grupo de universidades ecuatorianas con mej=
desempeño es extremadamente pequeño y, además, la mayoría de las institucio=
incluidas en el ranking vieron bajar su posición con respecto al año 2019. =
el período 2009-2019 también se analizó el registro de publicaciones en SCO=
de las 11 universidades ecuatorianas mejor calificadas. En dicho período el
número promedio anual de artículos publicados aumentó drásticamente, de 22.=
2 a
192 (873%); sin embargo, algunas instituciones perdieron posiciones en el
ranking a pesar de un aumento en su registro anual de publicaciones. La seg=
sección del manuscrito describe lo que las universidades ecuatorianas deber=
hacer para mejorar su desempeño y contribución al progreso de la sociedad.
Según el autor, las universidades deben invertir urgentemente en calidad,
aprovechar el potencial de los métodos de aprendizaje modernos, hacer de la
investigación un componente maduro y de vinculación con la sociedad, estimu=
la colaboración inter e intrainstitucional en todos los niveles y convertir=
escisión (spin-off) en centros de innovación. Hacerlo requiere no solo un
cambio de actitud de toda la comunidad académica -autoridades, profesores,
investigadores, personal administrativo y técnico-, sino también, y más
importante, de las instancias gubernamentales a cargo de la educación super=
Las IES públicas deben ser rediseñadas de manera directa para convertirlas =
instituciones capaces de ofrecer a los graduados los conocimientos y las
habilidades necesarias para enfrentar los desafíos presentes y futuros, a la
vez que garanticen un crecimiento económico sostenible y en armonía con el
medio ambiente. La tercera sección de este artículo describe los pilares
institucionales que requieren renovación. Para que la reingeniería de la
universidad sea un proyecto factible, es esencial que los tomadores de
decisiones abran sus mentes y se den cuenta de que las universidades en el =
XXI requieren cambios sustanciales de gobernanza. Además, las narices de to=
el personal deben girar hacia la misma dirección, lo cual significa una int=
cooperación, en la que cualquier rastro de corrupción, colusión o nepotismo,
sea eliminado.
Palabras clave: ran=
universitario, desafíos del siglo XXI, reingeniería de IES, gobernanza
compartida, naturaleza multidisciplinaria de los problemas, cooperación ent=
facultades y universidades.
A multitude of classification
systems exists, each of these systems uses a specific set of indicators, as=
example the QS World University Rankings®, The Times Higher Education
University Ranking, SCImago University Ranking, Webometric Ranking, etc.
University classification systems often show very variable results, and the
question is which one should we trust? Classification systems, therefore, m=
be used with care, and one ought to be aware of the indicators used in the
classification system. However, classification helps identify the position =
of a
given institution at regional, national and international level, and the sp=
areas in which the institution is weak compared to institutions with a bett=
ranking. Knowing the weak areas, the institution can take the most appropri=
measures to improve the institution's performance in education, research,
innovation, dissemination, social impact, etc. As example, the ranking of
Ecuador’s universities according to the QS World University Rankings® 2020 =
the institution's ranking based on the record of publications in journals
registered in SCOPUS is discussed in the following.
The QS World University Rankings®
2020 system evaluates and classifies a university on the following criteria:
academic reputation (30%), employer reputation (20%), academic/student ratio
(10%), scientific citations by publication (10%), scientific publications by
academics (10%), academic staff with doctorate or PhD (5%), international
research network (10%), and WEB impact (5%). The total score for an institu=
is the sum of the score on the 8 indicators, accounting the percentage weig=
of the metrics. The results of the world ranking 2020 for 1000 universities=
available on the website https://www.topuniversities.com/university-ranking=
world-university-rankings/2020, and from this website, the report QS_World_=
2020_report (pdf) can be downloaded. Only 4 Ecuadorian universities are amo=
the 1000 best institutions on the planet; respectively, the Universidad San
Francisco de Quito (rank: 751-800), the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, the E=
Superior Politécnica del Litoral and the Pontifícia Universidad Católica del
Ecuador (rank: 801-1000). The other Ecuadorian universities are further down
the ranking, and only 17 public and private universities, of a total of 30
public and 49 private institutions are classified. More information on the
ranking of the Ecuadorian universities is available in the publication QS_L=
America_Rankings-2020_report. This report gives the ranking of the best 200
universities in Latin America. Only the 150 best universities receive an
individual classification; those below the 150th rank are classified in ban=
of 50. According to this report, 11 Ecuadorian universities (USFQ, ESPOL, P=
EPN, UCE, UC, ESPE, UTPL, UEES, UDLA, and UCSG) are among the 200 best HEIs=
Latin America (see Table 1); and a total of 17 institutions are among the 4=
best HEIs (the 11 institutions mentioned before plus the Universidad de
Guayaquil (UG) and the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS): rank 301-35=
the Universidad de Azuay (UDA) and Univers=
Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE):.
Table 1. World University Ranki=
ngs® Latin America 2020: 11
Ecuadorian universities classify among the 200 top universities in Latin
America, and 17 universities belong to the top 400.
Table 2. The annual ranking of 11 Ecuadorian universities (EPN,
ESPE, ESPOL, PUCE, UC, UCE, UDLA, UG, UPS, USFQ, UTPL) for the period 2010-=
on the basis of the number of scientific articles published in a journal re=
in SCOPUS journal database. The last column shows the ranking of the 11
universities on the basis of the institution’s total article record in SCOP=
journal database.
rank 35-400; and -without rank- =
the Universidad Andina Simon Bolívar=
(UASB) and the Cambridge School of Langu=
age (https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/
The overall score of the 11
Ecuadorian universities classified in the top 200 Latin American universiti=
varies from 54.9 (USFQ) to 15.6-19.6 (UCSG). From UC downward, the universi=
do not receive a unique total score since by lack of institutional data not=
indicators could be calculated for those universities. Under those conditio=
the QS system classifies the universities in an approximate range. An
additional observation of the 2020 ranking compared to 2019 is that 70% of =
the universities
in Latin America dropped in ranking. Among the 11 surveyed institutions in
Ecuador, EPN, UTPL, and UEES improved in 2020 their ranking with respect to
their 2019 ranking (EPN and UTPL considerably), ESPOL and UDLA maintained t=
position, while USFQ, PUCE, UCE, UC, ESPE and UCSG dropped in ranking.
In most classification systems, =
scientific capacity of a university is measured based on the number of arti=
published in impact journals, for which the general rule is articles publis=
in journals registered in ISI Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS. In the follo=
example, 11 Ecuadorian universities were classified based on their annual
publication record in journals registered in SCOPUS in the period 2009-2019.
SCOPUS has one of the largest journal databases, covering 36,377 titles (22=
active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) of approximately 11,678 editors, =
which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in high-level thematic areas, such =
life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences.
Table 2 presents the annual rank=
of the 11 selected Ecuadorian universities (EPN, ESPE, ESPOL, PUCE, UC, UCE,
UDLA, UG, UPS, USFQ, UTPL) on the number of articles published in journals
registered in SCOPUS. The lower part of the table shows the sum of the annu=
number of publications of the 11 universities, the minimum and maximum numb=
of records at university level, the average score of the 11 universities and
the standard deviation. The last column offers the classification of the 11
universities according to the total number of articles published in a journ=
registered in SCOPUS, from the first published article to the present. Tabl=
e 2 depicts
the change in the position of the 11 universities based on the institution’s
record in SCOPUS registered journals. UPS for example improved its position
from the 11th (in 2009) to the 6th rank (in 2019), PUCE’s position declined
from the 1st to the 5th rank over the same period, and UC declined in ranki=
from the 6th position to the 9th, and most importantly this institution’s
position declined linearly from 2014 onwards. Figure 1 shows the average
production level of articles in peer-reviewed international journals of the=
selected Ecuadorian universities over the period 2009-2019 versus the
production of scientific articles in SCOPUS by KU Leuven[1] in
the period 1965-1974. The average annual production level of SCOPUS registe=
publications for the 11, publication-wise most productive, Ecuadorian
universities is very similar to the annual production of KU Leuven, but 45
years ago. This institution is today the first Belgian university in the QS
World University Ranking 2020 and occupies the 80th rank worldwide.
This brief analysis is only related to the institution's ability to
publish research results in international peer-reviewed journals registered=
the SCOPUS journal database. To obtain a complete image of the scientific
production in the format of articles of Ecuador’s HEIs, a similar analysis =
research results published in national and international journals of a lower
level is necessary, for example, in journals registered in Latindex, DOAJ,
Redalyc, REDIB, or even local journals not even registered in journal
databases. This will not be that easy to accomplish given the large number =
active and inactive magazines each institution publishes. Another interesti=
metric to measure the research level of an institution, but also not so eas=
y to
achieve, is the total number of citations. Probably, a simpler inventory co=
consist in conducting a survey of the citation index of the professors and
researchers of each institution.
Figure 1. Average number of articles published in journals registered in the
SCOPUS database by the top 11 Ecuadorian universities (EPN, ESPE, ESPOL, PU=
UC, UCE, UDLA, UG, UPS, USFQ, UTPL) in the period 2010-2019 and the number =
articles published by the KU Leuven in journals registered in SCOPUS in the
period 1965-1974.
The title of an article publishe=
d on
the 27th of May 2019 in the newspaper EL MERCURIO[2]
mentions that “Ecuador is 20 years behind its scientific innovation
environment”. It is the conclusion of a team of national and international
experts in the field of scientific innovations who debated in Quito about t=
need for Ecuador to advance in terms of technological innovation, especially
when it is 20 years away from the surrounding countries. According to the
experts in the meeting, Ecuador has not made the “leap” that marks a positi=
impact on the productive sector, despite the introduction in 2008 of the
National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENESCYT), with
the aim of promoting the spin-off of investigation. Although, the creation =
SENESCYT, translated in number of patents submitted by Ecuadorian residents=
, is
considerable and resulted in an increase of 268% between 2009 (19 patents) =
2018 (51 patents), the number of patents remains low in comparison to Ecuad=
neighboring countries. Experts in the meeting also indicated that Ecuador in
2014 only dedicated 0.44% of GDP to research and development, while the
countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OEC=
dedicated 2.4% of GDP. Investment in research and innovation in Ecuador
amounted in 2014 $50.84 per capita; for the years following no information =
available, not allowing to assess if the country increased investment in
research and innovation. An additional observation, made in the meeting, is
that the resources for R&D are very inefficiently used, due to (i) the
enormous fragmentation of resources over a large number of public (30) and =
(49) institutions; (ii) the weak cooperation between HEIs and industry, bet=
researchers belonging to several units within an institution and between
institutions; and (iii) the overall low research level of most universities.
One of the conclusions of the experts meeting is that Ecuador needs to chan=
"drastically" because, otherwise, a "drastic, complex and
dark" future could occur.
The analysis sh=
clearly that whatever classification system used, Ecuadorian universities a=
lagging behind, the HEIs ought to take and implement drastic political and
strategic decisions to correct the dramatic backlog in certain areas of the
According to Öszoy (2008) higher
education provides an important form of investment in human capital
development, and is it rightly regarded as the engine of development in the
21st world economy. This author summarizes the contribution of higher educa=
to development as follows: (i) the provision of manpower to the society with
professional, technical and managerial skills; (ii) the provision of not ju=
educated workers, but knowledge workers; (iii) the provision of a new
generation possessing the capacity to make possible attitudinal changes
necessary for the socialization of individuals and the modernization and
overall transformation of societies; (iv) HEIs help through teaching and
research in the creation, absorption and dissemination of knowledge, in the
formation of a strong nation-state and in globalization; and (v) last but n=
least higher education allows people to enjoy an enhanced ‘life of mind’
offering the wider society both cultural and political benefits.
Analysis of the QS World Univers=
Rankings® 2020, as outlined in prev=
section, clearly illustrates that a range of HEIs for several reasons do not
score well, particular in the middle-income and less developed countries. T=
latter countries, due in part to the lack of well performing HEIs, have a l=
to medium Human Development Index, and are still struggling to establish it=
in all fronts and make itself sovereign. So to move to the status of “devel=
country”, an important tasks of the lesser developed countries is to create
and/or transform the HEIs to well-functioning engines assisting the society=
evolving step-by-step to the status of a country having an acceptable stand=
of living, health care, industry, infrastructure, transportation, communica=
and technological advancement, higher per capita income, increase in life
expectancy, etc. The question is what a country needs to do for evolving fr=
the current less developed status to a more prosperous society for every
individual and the community as a whole? Similarly, what must the HEIs do to
improve their entrepreneurship towards society? If the HEIs can improve the=
role in the society, they will automatically improve their ranking at natio=
and international level. With respect to the Ecuadorian HEIs, the question =
be raised if they possess the capacity and means to reduce the gap in ranki=
with the more performing Latin American universities, let alone with the
majority of universities in the northern hemisphere. Can Ecuador’s HEIs turn
the tide?
In the following, based on the
analysis of the ample literature on this subject (Reichert, & Tauch, 20=
Bryde & Leighton, 2009; Underwood, Williams, & Thurairajah, 2009; J=
Krishan, Cullen, & Kumar, 2012; Cardoso, Tavares, & Sin, 2015; Heit=
& Horta, 2016; Prakash, 2018) an attempt is made to define what
universities today ought to do to improve their performance and contributio=
n to
society’s progress, and in parallel their ranking. It is complex and
challenging, but essential for the regional and country’s development. Actions
to be taken are:
1. <=
/span>Invest in quality. Programs should be frequently
evaluated as to continuously improve their quality. Quality programs requir=
e a
curriculum that is reviewed and refreshed with emerging content. In fact,
learning goals ought regularly to be re-examined and strengthened in tandem
with the human capital needs of the society and economy. Foregoing comes do=
to linking study programs to jobs, involving the linking between universiti=
the local and international private sector and policymakers.
2. Harness the potential of modern learning approache=
s, such as activity and experimental based learning,
blended learning, online learning, personalized learning, the blending of
disciplines, the integration of artificial intelligence technologies, and so
on. Social sciences should not be forgotten in the overall picture of educa=
there are too many stories of technological developments not serving. Cross
boundary education programs are more than ever needed. Independent of the s=
field, teaching should involve more and more the active interaction between
docents and students, as to prepare students to the conditions in the
3. <=
/span>Make research an essential and mature component of
higher education. Students when involved in
research-based learning will learn more and better than when they would wit=
the integration of research. Doing so, will automatically improve the overa=
quality of the thesis projects students are supposed to make before graduat=
and might lead to a gradual transfer of a classical dissertation to a resea=
or technical note, or even an article, which in turn will contribute to an
improvement of the institution’s visibility. Further on, teachers in
collaboration with researchers should be actively involved in research, and
contribute group-wise to innovations fueling local development and economic
growth. The latter also involves a strong synergy between academia and
4. Stimulate collaboration within the institution bet=
disciplines and across institutions. A claim often made is that by lack of funding and human resources
cutting-edge teaching and research tackling problems related to the local a=
regional needs cannot be accomplished. Forming collaborations at local level
between disciplines and among scientists in different universities might en=
to make progress. Similarly, universities should strive making strong links
with the private and public sector. For example, businesses can partner with
local universities to create high quality STEM or STEAM curricula[3=
Additionally, businesses could help faculties to design and deliver courses
that equip students with both a deep understanding of science and technolog=
as well as practical skills for the workplace.
5. <=
/span>Develop innovation hubs where students of different
fields, including social sciences, and research staff are engaged in experi=
pertinent to what their world of work would look like. Hubs will not only
contribute to an improvement of the institute’s prestige, but also stimulate
the public and private sector to invest in spinoffs and start-ups.
The implementation of those and
other measures will not only require a fundamental change of the policy and
management of the institution’s academic authority, but requires most proba=
an even more adjustment of the philosophy and policies of the government
administrations, in charge of the funding, control and evaluation of the pu=
higher education institutes, and the quality control of private universitie=
The question that should be raised is if in Ecuador, administrations like
SENECYT, CACES and CES, did line-up their regulations with what universities
stand for and how they should fulfil their role in the technological driven
knowledge society of the 21st century? That universities can play their rol=
shall not only depend from the funding level, but also and perhaps even to a
greater extent, of the quality of the regulations applied by these
administrations. As an example, the limited success of the costly PROMETEO
program is likely due to the fact that the program was not adjusted to the
today needs and operation of Ecuador’s HEIs. It will be without doubt
beneficial for the challenging tasks of the HEIs should administrations, li=
SENESCYT, CACES and CES, fine tune their policy and regulations to what the
society expects from higher education; how higher education can be made more
performant and contributing to the overall well-being of the society.
A major concern of the 30 public
universities, with the exception of a few institutions, is the uncertainty =
government financing, which led to numerous manifestations in the past. It =
classical towards the end of the year, the beginning of the new calendric y=
that rumors surge that the government intends lowering the university’s bud=
primarily because the university not completely spent the budget of the past
year, to which the university replies that they could not do so because
government funding was transferred late. However, whatever the reason, it is
evident that the public universities will use the uncertainty and late tran=
of government funding as an excuse of not being able to improve their
performance, and as such not being able to improve their ranking at national
and international level. However, from economic point of view the question
could be raised if it makes sense to invest public funding in universities =
a low score in national and international ranking systems. With reference to
the HEIs listed in Table 1, only 6 of the 17 universities, or 35.3%, are pu=
institutions, representing only 20% of the 30 public Ecuadorian HEIs. Given=
relatively large spread in the performances, perhaps a logic decision of the
government could be linking funding to the institution’s ranking, and to
increase government’s allowance only when the university shows being capabl=
e of
moving up in ranking. Of course, the QS ranking system cannot be used for s=
an exercise since it is not adapted to Ecuador’s reality; it would involve =
selection of a ranking system adjusted to the Ecuadorian conditions. But as
illustrated in several countries (Burke, 2002; Herbst, 2007; European
Commission, 2014; de Boer et al., 2015) coupling of funding to the
institutions’ performance stimulates HEIs to work on improving their
performance. Of course, given the overall modest economic situation of the
country, the Ecuadorian government could eventually decide to reduce the nu=
of public HEIs, and redistribute the current package of financial resources=
higher education over a smaller number of institutions, as a result of which
the allowance per institution, whether or not coupled to the institutions
performance, will increase and enable the institutions to work on improving
their performance. The latter option is probably politically not feasible,
neither in the short nor the long term.
Although, Ecuador’s better
performing universities project themselves as HEIs with national and
international recognition for its excellence in teaching with research and
relationship with the society, in line with regional and national developme=
plans and with a positive impact on the society, based on their position in=
QS ranking system and the fact that most of those institutions dropped in
ranking (see Table 1), the authorities of the institutions in cooperation w=
the contingent of employees ought to take the actions that will result in a
gradual improvement of the institution’s performance. In essence this comes
down to transforming a mainly teaching university to a full-fledged, resear=
and job-oriented educational institute; in other words, turning
the university into a higher education institute capable of delivering
graduates that possess the knowledge and skills needed to cope with today's=
tomorrow's challenges; it is producing graduates that are able in cooperati=
with all societal actors to improve the well-being of the people at local,
regional and country level while assuring sustainable economic growth in
harmony with the environment. It is evident, that modernization of the
university or bringing the university in line with the requirements of the =
century is not only the responsibility of the authorities but also of the
cohort of academic, technical and administrative personnel. It is a very
complex process, all the more as a result of the backlog of the institutions
compared to the more advanced universities in Latin America and the economic
more developed countries.
In the following section an atte= mpt is made to concretize what exactly can -need to- be done to improve the ove= rall performance of the university to a successful conclusion in the long term.<= o:p>
In principle,
monitoring and measuring the efficiency and
effectiveness of education, both at the lowest and the highest level=
is a continuous task of the government administration responsible for educa=
as to guarantee that graduates are prepared in the best and most efficient =
for the continuous changing challenges of society. There is great evidence =
education has a high impact on a country’s economic development. According =
Dumciuvienea (2015) depends the growth and welfare of a society more and mo=
on knowledge-intensive industries and services, involving an increasing num=
of personnel with higher education qualification. Economic and social effec=
and human welfare are directly related to the quality of the educational
system, it not only positively affects earnings at the personal level but a=
non-monetary outcomes, such as health, the health of family members, the
schooling of one’s children, life choices made, fertility choices and infant
mortality. A good educational system also has a positive effect on the
environment and has a strong influence on crime reduction. Based on the
regression of the socio-economic situation of several countries in Latin
America and the overall medium to low ranking of the majority of its higher
education institutes is a clear sign that the current educational system is=
producing the graduates the society needs to turn the tide. Likely previous=
partly due to the allocation of insufficient government funding to educatio=
Given the current country context, the question can be raised what need to =
done as to wake up the Ecuadorian higher education platform.
As the first ca=
of the medium to poor performance of higher education, the authorities gene=
indicate that the financial means are insufficient to implement the necessa=
changes. As stated earlier, the cause of this might be that the government
budget for higher education is distributed over too many HEIs, a total of 30
public universities for a country population of 17.4 million residents; whi=
amounts to one public higher education institution per 0.59 million residen=
A hypothetical reduction in the number of public universities, will likely
automatically result in a higher funding for the remaining institutions but=
the same time in a higher influx of students, such that it is not that like=
that the financial resources per student will significantly increase. It ma=
y be
probably more obvious for the public universities to conduct a thorough
investigation into the efficiency with which the available resources are us=
in order to create room for interventions that result in an improvement of =
institution's performance and ranking.
Before enumerat=
a series of measures, it is recommended to first design a global plan in
collaboration with the various actors and then submit it to the wider acade=
community for discussion. Based on the discussions, the plan may or may not=
adjusted and/or expanded. The reason for this approach is obvious because of
the interaction between the measures to be taken. The overarching goal of t=
plan ought to improve the educational, research and outreach profile of the
institution, and at the same time a strengthening of the interaction between
the three profiles. It means, a professor should be involved in teaching and
research, and both activities ought to be closely related to the real world;
similarly, students should receive an integrated package of learning materi=
and practice that prepare them best for life after the university. An impor=
aspect thereby is that during the education all students are forced to
cultivate the pursuit of lifelong learning. In contradiction to the past,
learning does not stop at graduation; the dynamics of today’s society requi=
continuous schooling during the professional career. This is not only true =
the students, even more for the academic staff and researchers. They should=
ahead and being able to integrate all new technological and sociological de=
in the study material. Important side aspects that ought to be included in =
renewed learning process are the knowledge of the English language, the
development of the culture of reading and writing, the working together amo=
students and the lecturer, and the connectivity and interaction with the
Main shortcomin=
in the current system, most often a consequence of unrealistic and poor
government regulations, is that the primary task of academic staff is teach=
with a teaching schedule varying between 16 and 24 hours in a week, leaving
extremely little time left for other academic tasks such as research and the
supervision of students. Supervision of students in their reading, writing =
learning is super-important, because that is the way that the attitude of
self-learning emerges and strengthens. It is really old fashion such a heavy
teaching load at university level. Even more old fashion is the government
regulation that the number of alumni in the class should not exceed 30 to 4=
0 students,
as a result of which the method of education at the university reduces to t=
educational approach at high school level, where the professor transfers
knowledge to the students spoonwise. The learning process must be organized=
such a way that students make the greatest effort and the teacher mainly ac=
as a coach of the learning process. In order to get the students to take
control of the learning process themselves, many modern learning techniques=
be used, such as blended learning being self-study combined with group
discussions, distant learning, etc. The step needed to reduce the number of
teaching hours consists in either the organization of teaching in large lec=
rooms with a capacity between 150 to 500 students equipped with audio and o=
technological devices enabling the lecturer to interact with the students, =
the WOW[4] Room concept, being today the mo=
advanced lecturing approach that breaks with the traditional onsite, blended
and online education models. The lecturer stands in a virtual classroom (ht=
-university-ranks/ie-university), with a curved wall of screens, displaying=
images of up to 80 participating students, who are joining the class from
different places. During the lecture students can contribute and join the
debate. High level courses of the institution can in this way be followed by
students of other universities and will contribute to an improvement of the
prestige of the institution from where the class is broadcasted. Indirectly=
, it
might stimulate team lecturing, whereby academicians from different discipl=
work together in the development of advanced lecturing material. This evolu=
will lead to the organization of common courses over the boundaries of facu=
and with the use of modern teaching technologies will strongly reduce the
teaching load of the contingent of professors, creating hours the academic
staff can devote to research and other academic activities. The evolution on
lecturing approaches in the near future will be enormous and according to
Hauptfeld-Göllner (2016) it is to be expected that in 2030 eighty per cent =
lecturing will be delivered by massive open online courses, online courses,
video and video-call sessions from experts in the field, methods that do not
require attendance in class. Not to run after the evolution in lecturing,
Ecuador’s universities be better prepared and stimulate staff to master the=
developments in lecturing and stimulate them to apply the new technological=
lecturing methods step-by-step in their teaching.
The hours that are released as a
result of the reorganization of teaching provides the opportunity to academ=
staff dedicating time to research, which in the long term will result in an
increase in the production of scientific articles positively affecting the
institution’s ranking, and social and technological contributions to the
society, essential with regard to the justification of the public financial
resources HEIs consumes. Getting into rese=
arch when
the main academic activity has been teaching is not that easy; this also
applies to the new generation of graduates when their education is still ba=
on the old approach, i.e. essentially passive absorption of knowledge. For
students it is a must to be actively involved in research during their study
and, in addition, trained in the reading and analysis of research papers,
preferably related to the subject of specialization. Not only scientific
articles in their mother tongue, but also the reading and analysis of artic=
in English should be mastered, because the English scientific literature co=
a broader view of the scientific developments around the globe.
In preparation =
the dissertation, students should also be trained in academic writing, and =
from the early years of the program onwards. Foregoing requires that solid
research groups are present in the institution, yielding research applicati=
suitable to be analyzed and handled by students, and this during the
development of the undergraduate and/or graduate thesis project. It is
fundamental that the thesis project not only reduces to a scientific exerci=
such as the review of literature, but deals with technological and societal
developments and the finding of appropriate economic solutions for the broad
spectrum of societal problems. Previous can only be realized given research
groups be in touch and cooperate with the various actors of the society.
To get the staff
with low to moderate experience in research actively engaged in investigati=
it is essential that coherent and well-functioning research groups are pres=
in the university, to which they can be associated. The latter can only exi=
and survive given academic personnel and researchers work together. Working
together becomes very important given the complexity and multidisciplinary
nature of the problems the society is confronted with. The effectively and
success with which solutions are generated might even increase when coopera=
links are established between scientists belonging to different national and
international institutions. Working together, over the borders of the facul=
and the institution, in connection with the society becomes every day more
essential to make progress, something that seems to be very difficult and n=
very common in the Ecuadorian society. To train the young generation in thi=
it is imperative to organize during the program project-oriented activities=
which the students are trained in group work, a skill very much needed in
professional life. In a modern HEI ought teaching and research, both with a
connection to practice, to be interwoven and students are supposed to play =
entrepreneurial role.
What without do=
obstructs the operation of public universities is the awkward and cumbersome
hassling of documents. For every activity or action, a set of documents nee=
d to
be prepared and signed at different levels of the administrative hierarchy;=
example, contracted staff have to prepare every fortnight or month an
outstanding report of their activities, reports that are seldom or even not
read. Enormous time is lost in the passing of documents from one level to
another level. The continuing dominance of the administration is also likely
the consequence that professors by tradition possess a very individual atti=
and do not have attention to emerge as a coherent front to rise in rebellio=
and urge the administration to modernize, to be an aid in teaching, research
and outreach, not an obstacle. The nature of the role of the administration
should be supporting the authorities, professors, researchers and students =
the organization and handling of administrative matters rather than to take=
lead and overload the institution with needless and inefficient bureaucratic
matters, for the simple reason as to stay in control of the strings. Time is
running out, the administration of public HEIs ought to shift the focus of
control to service.
typical for the public institutions is the development of regulations; for =
new initiative an agreement is made subject to approval at the different le=
of the hierarchical ladder. Similarly, the handling and financial processin=
g of
research projects are complex and it is not exceptional that for this reason
academic staff does not want to initiate research activities. The complex
nature of the administrative procedures should not be surprising, given the
bureaucratic character of government services. The working method contrasts
sharply with the procedures at overseas universities. There, the emphasis l=
on the approval of the project, and once approved, it is the responsibility=
the project coordinator to implement the project in terms of content and
received financial means. Usually, the project coordinator, a professor or
appointed researcher, has an institutional online bank account on which the
project funds are deposited, and he/she can manage the financial resources =
accordance with the specifications in the approved project proposal. In the
event of deviations in the use of financial resources, the coordinator must
request prior permission from the donor. The online research accounts are so
designed that the project coordinator cannot spend more than the awarded gr=
Such an approach simplifies considerably the administrative control and
handling of research projects. It is the responsibility of the project
coordinator to submit a financial and substantive report to the donor for
approval upon completion of the project. The nowadays available digital and
innovative technologies should be applied in a responsible way to streamline
and simplify all bureaucratic processing, not only the bureaucratic handlin=
g of
research projects but also the administrative processing of all services. T=
administrative services in public universities absorb a considerable fracti=
of the annual budget, and by their upgrading more means could become availa=
for teaching, research and extension, the primary objectives of higher
The most diffic=
problem to deal with in the reengineering exercise of academic institutions=
the authorities, who have been in charge of the management of the university
for decades. The question can be raised if they are really preparing the
institution for the 21st century, taking into account that most of the time
they operate and manage the institution with 20th century thinking (O’Brien,
2008). It is fair to ask if the governance structure of today is suited for=
complexities of higher education in the 21st century? As formulated by Santa
Ono (2017), the 15th President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bri=
Columbia[5] “Do the participants in governan=
ce –
the Consejo Universitario – have the expertise, the discipline, the authori=
and the accountability necessary to cope with the powerful social, economic,
and technological forces driving change in the society and its institutions=
?”. Today’s challenging academic environment demands a =
way of governance. Governance in most of the public higher education
institutions in Ecuador is top-down and geared to remain in control of powe=
The University Council – the so-called democratic decision organ of the
university – in which, in addition to the authorities, the deans and
vice-deans, the directors of a number of administrative services participat=
are organized bi-weekly and discusses usually for hours on regulations, fac=
and other matters, but seldom a debate is held how the institution should
evolve, adapt, and governed. From a small nuclei of governance, the governa=
system urgently needs to evolve to “Shared Governance”, consisting of a
dialogue among boards, directors, deans, faculties, administrative services,
staff and student unions, etc. It is even desirable to include into the boa=
of the institution highly representatives of public and private institution=
as to be well informed of the socio-economic situation in the field. It is
complicated yet it is a much-needed path, and more and more discussion arou=
the globe are taking place on shared governance. Important issues to be tac=
by the authorities are the delegation of authority, responsibility and deci=
making, controlling that the government at the different levels is free and
remains free from corruption, collusion and nepotism, continuous updating of
the institution’s mission, evaluation if the institution fulfills its missi=
effectively now and in the future, and if necessary taking sound, corrective
and effective measurements.
4. =
The performance=
the Ecuadorian universities is, according to the QS World University Ranking
system, not so excellent, only 4 HEIs of the 30 public and 49 private
institutions are among the 1000 worldwide highest ranked universities. At t=
level of Latin America, 11 universities rank among the top 200 institutions,
and a total of 17 institutions are within the top 400 HEIs. Publication-wise
accumulate Ecuador’s top universities a tremendous backlog of the order of =
years in comparison to educational institutions belonging to the world 100 =
ranked institutions. The main focus of most public and private HEIs in Ecua=
is on teaching and the governance of the institutions is still very much al=
as the way higher education institutions were governed in the 20th century,=
is a top-down governance. To improve the institutions performance and
beneficial effect towards the society, universities should teach students t=
o be
successful in a 21st century knowledge-based economy, train the students
heavily in entrepreneurship, self-learning and discovery, be more involved =
research preferably in close cooperation with the economic and social actor=
s of
the society, evolve from the 20th century type of governance to shared
governance consisting of a delicate balance between faculty and staff
participation in planning and decision-making, on the one hand, and the
authorities and administration on the other hand. Improvement of the
institutions’ performance is possible given: (i) the authorities wake-up and
realize that a modern university requires a different governance and
management, a system in which the academia instead of the administration
governs; (ii) individual professor’s to the whole system work on fostering
basic academic values (academic freedom, autonomy, excellence, university
community, and so on); (iii) a proper environment and institutional mechani=
(formal and informal) are in place; (iv) a transparent cooperation in teach=
research and outreach over the borders of the faculties and institutions at
national and international level is pursued; and (v) staff and employee
nomination and promotion is based on employee’s performance. The regulation=
recognize and reward teaching and research contributions through nomination=
promotion enables the university to achieve its strategic teaching and rese=
goals, while simultaneously advancing and sustaining its community of acade=
and research scholars and their professional standing in the national and
international environment.
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[1] KU Leuven:
Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
[2] https://ww=
] STEM<=
/strong> stands for Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics, while STEAM stands for Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Both, however, are far more than just
sticking those subject titles together, it is a philosophy of education tha=
t embraces
teaching skills and subjects in a way that resembles real life (Connor, Karmokar, & Whittington, 2015; Madden et al., 2013; Walker, 2015).
] WOW room: Window on the World room
] https://president.ubc.ca/speech/2017/03/03/university-governance-in-=
J. Feyen: WAKE-UP CALL for Ecuador’s universities
R. Cazar et=
Análisis cuantitat=
de una mezcla binaria