Un modelo híbrido de probabilidad de elección para la estimación de la demanda de Quitocable



Quitocables, hybrid modeling, transport system


The traditional models for the calculation of demand based on prediction through quantifiable variables such as time, cost, fare, gender, among the main ones, have been extensively used for modeling processes of the final user choice. However, a new trend of research developed in recent years has included aspects of relevance such as human behavior measured by latent variables (variables not directly quantifiable) within the analysis and demand models. This article aims to estimate through a hybrid model the demand for the Quitocables system. The results show a robustness of these models in relation to traditional discrete choice models.


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How to Cite

Lojano, J. P., Rojas, Álex, & Rojas, V. (2017). Un modelo híbrido de probabilidad de elección para la estimación de la demanda de Quitocable. Maskana, 8(1), 219–228. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ucuenca.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/maskana/article/view/1981



II Congress Civil Engineering, Biosciences and Urbanism Sciences