Maurizio Ferraris, Kant’s critic


  • Ernesto Castro Autonomous University of Madrid


Maurizio Ferraris, new realism, animalism, aesthetic, documentality.


In the last decade,Maurizio Ferraris has become the leading new realist. In this article we analyze Ferraris’ three major books in his realist turn: Rational Aesthetics, The Outside World and Documentality; in each case we will consider Ferraris’ insights and limitations. As we will see, one of the greatest limitations of the ontology Ferrari develops in this last book is the distinction between objects and subjects, an ontological dualism which generates a lot of problems when trying to classify the animals. The animals, as Ferraris himself declares in the quotation which starts this article, have been one of the inspirations of his realist turn. This is why the ambiguity of Documentality regarding the animal condition is not a marginal issue, but a central problem which endangers the whole new realist project.


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