Analysis of the Emotional Process to Support the Creation of Scenic Characters


  • Pamela Jiménez Draguicevic Autonomous University of Querétaro


character creation, analysis, emotions, brain, expressive emotional line.


In scenic art and, specifically in the creation of characters, it is essential to value emotions as part of a study that allows awareness of the real ones, in order to create the fictitious ones. It would be ideal to analyse how emotion entails a process of knowledge and practice where the artist inquiries about the effects that emotions have on their actions, in order to make their body-mind conscious and optimize their capacities at the moment of creation. Thus, it is possible to recognize the correspondence between the circumstances of the scene, the character’s thought and line of action through his mental, physical and emotional work. To more clearly develop the objective of this article: -exposing elements that make up a conscious analysis of the emotional process through different theoretical references and with the purpose of serving as the construction of characters in stage productions-, three sections will be established: Emotional Intelligence, Development and functioning of the brain in front of the emotion and Emotional process. The expected result is that the stage artist becomes aware that, in fiction, the emotional expressive line of the character can be chosen: the first is sustained attention to emotional processes, the second is the ability to fixate, and the third is nourishment. in the process


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