Design of educational projects for development of complex thought in Cultural and Artistic Education



complex thinking, transdisciplinary methodology, project-based learning, artistic creation, Cultural and Artistic Education


This work is contextualized in the transition between virtual and face-to-face education that took place in Ecuador as a consequence of the COVID-19 health crisis, and responds to the challenges and pedagogical transformations that have arisen in the subject of Cultural and Artistic Education (ECA). that occurred in this historical moment. The research has the objective of analyzing how the change of modality raised a revision of the educational paradigm whose implication affects the ways of conceiving knowledge that in this case is centered from the arts: how is a class that responds to these changes configured? For this, a quantitative methodology was used, three categories of theoretical analysis were developed with the review of multiple publications, at first the thought of Morin (1999, 2002, 2009, 2020) is reviewed, the transdisciplinary methodology of Nicolescu (1996) and learning based on artistic creation projects by Caeiro (2018). A systematization of projects designed in ten cycles of Basic General Education (EGB) that respond to these categories is presented and the degree of effectiveness of this proposal compared to the traditional class is contrasted, through a survey with a Likert scale; The results are analyzed based on variables such as education based on artistic disciplines, the approach to complex thinking and the relevance of ECA in general education. As a result, a content plan is offered for the classes from First to Tenth EGB that shows in a practical way how the contents could be designed under the paradigm of complexity and aligned to ways of producing knowledge from artistic education. In conclusion, it was confirmed that ECA is an indicator of quality in education that allows critical reflection on the challenges that education currently faces.


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