Memory and resistance from the language of comics and science fiction



new weird, ecuadorian comic, science fiction, ecuadorian art, memory and resistance, Diego Lara Saltos, Roger Ycaza


This is a text that aims to analyze, but above all to show, the potential of social memory and resistance of an unpublished work by the artists Diego Lara Saltos and Roger Ycaza, conceived, written and illustrated in the year 2000 and that in the light of current events with collective repercussions in Ecuador —social and political unrest, environmental risk, voices of minorities struggling to be heard, respected and included- resonates. The work is divided into two moments. The first corresponds to the monograph Cuna del Sol —titled this way for the purposes of this text and with the knowledge of the artists—, research carried out on urban furniture, urban planning, characters, ecological, political and social context for creation. The second moment derives from the first and corresponds to the creation of the comic Gameranos. Chap. 7. El Rescate de Jeremías,  both productions framed in the field of science fiction, particularly in the New Weird movement.


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