Educational management in the curriculum of the subject of Cultural and Artistic Education



educational management, educational center organization, educational innovation, Cultural and Artistic Education


The research focuses on the processes, activities, tools and resources that the educational director or administrator must develop within the framework of the educational management of a school establishment, focused on the area of ​​Cultural and Artistic Education, which It is part of the objective of the national educational system, defined in the high school profile. The strategies and methodologies that are managed as educational management give rise to the optimal implementation of the educational curriculum; even more so, introducing educational innovation mechanisms that allow students to develop their skills and respond assertively to the challenges of today's society. The processes to be managed are described, under the regulations of educational quality standards provided by the Ministry of Education, the dimensions of educational management and planning through plans to support and monitor teaching practice; which allow the teacher in the area of ​​Cultural and Artistic Education to achieve the stated objectives of the subject; as well as, adjust educational contexts to the needs of each student and enable artistic and cultural projects with high impact on society to be developed. In summary, the way of organizing an educational center in terms of the educational management of the curriculum, the different planning instances (macro, meso and micro), the methodology based on the educational philosophy of the school and the teacher's methodological strategies, all of them linked and managed in a way that allows meaningful learning and awareness of the same reality.


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