Clown theater play for the didactic approach to the diversity of bodies in cultural and artistic education



body, body diversity, selfs, self-perception, clown languaje, education


The following research aims to create an artistic-educational proposal about the diversity of bodies, through clown language and theater to accompany the processes of self-perception and construction of body image of adolescents belonging to the General Basic Education Sublevel Superior. The play aims to provide a space for debate to rethink and deconstruct the hegemonic ideals of beauty and stereotypes that lead to a distorted perception of bodies causing dissatisfaction with their own body image. Because of this, it becomes necessary to generate this space of theatrical conviviality, where the opinions and thoughts of the students are validated to question the collective imaginary about the body and self-perception, which has been established in recent times. The play is presented as an artistic-educational proposal that is supported by the Curriculum of the Ministry of Education, and that contributes to the subjects of Cultural and Artistic Education and Physical Education.


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2024-01-01 — Updated on 2024-01-01

