Geometry and archetype as a compositional scheme in children's art


  • Mª BELÉN LEÓN DEL RÍO Universidad de Sevilla


In this article, we present a study on children's art where the plastic expressions of children whose ages were between two and nine years were followed, proving how in these children's works the symbols would be based on the composition, which would have great parallelisms with the artistic works of the past and contemporary art, finding archetypal geometric shapes that would be at the same time carriers of meanings.

During the investigation, intuition was strengthened against exclusively rational processes for children to connect with their own symbols, thus proving that the human being would possess greater innate abilities to which greater freedom of action should be given, since these would be the ones that they would help us to evolve and create. All this leads us to the conclusion that new methodologies can be introduced in teaching, where the graphic or symbol becomes more important as an element of knowledge of our deepest essence.

Keywords: fantasy, intuition, art, drawing, psychology.


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How to Cite

LEÓN DEL RÍO, M. B. (2019). Geometry and archetype as a compositional scheme in children’s art. Tsantsa. Journal of Artistic Research, (6), 45–67. Retrieved from


