The symbolism of the hair. Identity, topics and archetypes




With this text we seek to articulate a discourse on the symbolism of the hair. We start from the certainty that hair may not symbolize a single thing: it informs us about identity issues, about the persistence of certain myths in art and culture, allowing us to review topics, still valid, in terms of sexual identity and gender. We have included projects that use or allude to hair from heterogeneous perspectives, analyzing their affinities and conceptual differences. We have also reflected on the survival of certain traditions related to the use of hair in the construction of identities and stereotypes, mainly feminine. Finally, we have considered the work of recognized artists along with others who are not so much, but whose look on the hair has given us motivating points of view for analysis and reflection.

Keywords: Hair, identity, patriarchy, archetypes, genius.


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How to Cite

CENDÁN CAAVEIRO, M. S. (2019). The symbolism of the hair. Identity, topics and archetypes. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (7), 139–146. Retrieved from