Artistic polysemies: How to research from them the ways of knowledge and creativity?




In this paper, we analyze the difficulties and creative opportunities of artistic discourses in intercultural environments, promoted by the polysemic nature of their signs. Valuing cultural products from a different culture, multiplies the perceptions, sensations and their combinations with which the work is read, expanding in this way both the polysemies and the creative field.

Polysemy should be considered when defining the methodology to be used in research intercultural artistic relations. The languages ​​of arts do not escape it. It is not the same to investigate the arts in societies that maintain an autonomous control of their own culture than an integrated society and in a degree of assimilation in which cultural control has been lost.

Keywords: Polysemy, art, research.


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How to Cite

PAUTA ORTIZ, P., & MANSUTTI RODRÍGUEZ, A. (2019). Artistic polysemies: How to research from them the ways of knowledge and creativity?. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (7), 199–203. Retrieved from