Yto Barrada: towards an autonomy of images. Travel, border, resources and narratives
In this study we intend to investigate the narrative resources used in the work of the French-Moroccan artist Yto Barrada, one of the Maghrebi artists from the Diaspora with the greatest international projection. Barrada's work is particularly characterized by the use of the system of relations between the unspeakable and the visible formulated by Jacques Ranciere in his essay The Future of the Image (2011). In this sense, we detect in the work of the artist under study a distancing from the linear reading of events through poetics as a communicative strategy. Barrada's work goes beyond the tangible to delve deeper into the analysis of the emotional effects of the physical and political barriers that frame the lives of the inhabitants of Tangier, the city closest to Europe (14 km. distance between Tangier and Tarifa) and where, according to the artist, an emotional blockage is taking place due to the closure of the border and the local political and economic stagnation.
Keywords: Art, travel, poetics, ethics, uprooting
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