Integral methodology for the interior design of a residential house, towards human wellbeing


  • LILIANA NARANJO MERINO Anahuac University Mexico



Of the spaces inhabited by human beings, the home is a space of physical and emotional connections that are fundamental for their development, and interior design is the means by which they understand the space and influence their behavior, therefore, the designer must create spaces that generate a positive impact on human beings, however, there is no scientifically based methodology that starts from the user for the generation of wellbeing. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose a methodology, starting from a comparative analysis between analogues of industrial design and architecture, in order to present a methodology for integral interior design. This is a holistic methodology that gives scientific support to the designer to create spaces for the well-being of the human being.

KEYWORDS: design methodology, home interior design, design for wellness, design for human beings.


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How to Cite

NARANJO MERINO, L. . (2023). Integral methodology for the interior design of a residential house, towards human wellbeing. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 65–76.


