Fluid sculptures: the artistic atmosphere around petrifying waters


  • EDOARDO BORGIA University of la Laguna




Geothermal activity has generated, in various places on the planet, peculiar landscapes often endowed with a polyvalent value (identity element, economic resource, religious symbol, landamark, etc.) often recognised by the local community and tourism. In this article we focus on the phenomenon of petrifying waters (of thermal, fresh and groundwater origin) that have the power to create new geological landscapes even within a few years. Seven case studies, between Italy (Tuscany) and Spain (Tenerife), have been analysed from the aesthetic perspective. The aim is to demonstrate how these petrified landscapes can also be interpreted as pure art forms. In order to do this, the case studies were related to two lines of thought: Gernot Böhme's atmospheric aesthetics and Eugenio Turri's landscape as theatre. The results show a strong affinity between the concept of beauty and petrified landscapes, especially in terms of their theatrical nature.

KEYWORDS: Petrifying waters, Travertine, Landscape aesthetics, Natural monument, Landmark.


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How to Cite

BORGIA, E. . (2023). Fluid sculptures: the artistic atmosphere around petrifying waters. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 199–212. https://doi.org/10.18537/tria.14.01.14


