Inhabit the Rooftops


  • M. EUGENIA PALLARÉS TORRES University of Chile
  • MIRTHA PALLARÉS TORRES University of Chile
  • JING CHANG LOU University of Chile



Densification processes aimed at a better and greater occupation of urban centers have caused significant changes in the morphology of cities, raising heights, generating heat islands, shadows and tensions on the ground, forcing the search for new spatial opportunities to accommodate the needs of the communities that inhabit the buildings, a scenario that facilitated the reinstallation of rooftops as feasible surfaces for social use, overcoming the technical and service destinations to which they had been relegated and taking advantage of the spatial attributes that characterize and that allow them to offer a location from which it is possible to recognize the environment and observe the landscape, expanding the visual field and providing a privileged place for the development of community experiences that validate civic life and facilitate social cohesion from shared practices.

KEYWORDS: Roofs, living roof, active roof, habitable roof, common areas.


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How to Cite

PALLARÉS TORRES, M. E. ., PALLARÉS TORRES, M. ., & CHANG LOU, J. . (2023). Inhabit the Rooftops. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 213–222.


