University and Human Development: Artistic and Cultural Management from HEIs


  • PABLO ALEJANDRO CABRAL Autonomous University of Querétaro



Cultural management from the university level allows an exercise of reflection-praxis-reflection that must necessarily address various dimensions of sociocultural reality. This implies meeting not only institutional needs but also having an impact on the various sectors of society within the territory where the university acts and operates.
In this way, it is nothing other than attending to the three substantive functions of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) which are the training of professionals, research and extension.
This paper raises the discussion through four sections: 1 - Think cultural management as a dialectical process; 2 - Think cultural management as a process of community construction; 3 - Cultural management from the university; 4 - The University as an agent of transformation.
Finally, the practical case of the First International Tango Festival UAQ Querétaro 2022 is presented, as an example of the construction of an artistic-cultural project of university extension.

KEYWORDS: Cultural Management, University, Human Development, Outreach, Tango.


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How to Cite

ALEJANDRO CABRAL, P. . (2023). University and Human Development: Artistic and Cultural Management from HEIs. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 267–275.


