Visual essays, film essays and video-installation in artistic research


  • GEOVANNY NARVÁEZ University of Cuenca



This paper proposes a reflection through a visual essay, a film essay and a video-installation embedded in artistic research processes. The theme and inspiration for this artistic project comes from Tiempo de mujeres (1987) by Mónica Vásquez, a documentary that portrays the daily life of Santa Rosa, a town in Cuenca inhabited by women and children, a product of male migration to the USA. Focused on research based on practice, the Grupo de Investigaciones Cinematográficas (GIC - UCUENCA) proposes to artists and artist-researchers, after viewing the documentary, a return, a (re)visit to that town after almost four decades to record what has changed and what has not in still and moving images, results of which will be exhibited in a video installation. In this sense, the creative process and the application of different methods, techniques and poetics gain interest, the works in progress, in a mise en abîme, are presented here in the format of a visual essay.

KEYWORDS: visual essay, film essay, video-installation, artistic research.


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How to Cite

NARVÁEZ, G. . (2023). Visual essays, film essays and video-installation in artistic research. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 293–309.


