Pieces of María Blanchard: her business relationship


  • AYLA PÉREZ POZO University of Oviedo




The case of the painter María Blanchard has spent years trying to be rescued by art historians. Her double status as a person with functional diversity and as a woman, made many deny her talent, which is why she has never occupied her rightful place in the world of art. Is an artist who has been very mistreated by society and critics. This painter does not have the recognition she deserves; therefore, it is important to stop and analyze her art from a fully historical-artistic point of view, in this case, specifically her commercial relations. As is logical, we cannot separate her life from her artwork, since her experiences partly condition her production. However, we cannot simply stop at her biography as has been done in her first monographs, we must always go further and value her for what she is: a great artist.

KEYWORDS: Blanchard, womens, cubism, painting, art dealer.



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Bernárdez Sanchís, C. (2012, diciembre 19). En torno a María Blanchard. Vanguardia e identidad. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. https://www.museoreinasofia.es/multimedia/maria-blanchard-agencia-e-historia

Crespo, G. (2012, noviembre 5). Contra el olvido de María Blanchard. El País. https://elpais.com/cultura/2012/11/02/actualidad/1351858874_278987.html

Jiménez Blanco, M. D. (2012, diciembre 19). ¿Después del cubismo? La pintura de María Blanchard después de 1918. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. https://www.museoreinasofia.es/multimedia/despues-cubismo-pintura-maria-blanchard-despues-1918

Rodríguez Calatayud, N. (2007). Archivo y memoria femenina. Los textos de la mujer artista durante las primeras vanguardias (1900-1945) [Universidad Politécnica de Valencia]. https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/1954

Salazar, M. J. (2004). María Blanchard: pintura 1889-1932: catálogo razonado. Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía.



How to Cite

PÉREZ POZO, A. . (2023). Pieces of María Blanchard: her business relationship. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 337–347. https://doi.org/10.18537/tria.14.01.24


