Utopian Permanence: Hybrid Possibilities for an Uncertain Present


  • MARÍA GABRIELA CHICA MARTÍNEZ University of Guayaquil / University of Espiritu Santo Specialties




This research examines intersections between art, society, and technology, and how these interactions can respond to the urgencies of the contemporary cultural scenario. The term 'Utopias of Permanence' refers to the pursuit and construction of ideal contexts that endure over time, transcending the limitations of the current reality and offering an alternative and improved vision of the world. 'Hybrid Spaces' imply the convergence and fusion of different dimensions, including physical and virtual, analog and digital – and even cultural and social. These spaces are characterized by their ability to combine diverse elements and generate new modes of interaction and experiences that, grounded in uncertainty, allow the coexistence of diverse realities, perspectives, and communities. The text explores how redefining alterity can address the challenges and current needs for the creation of more enriching and meaningful environments for everyone.

KEYWORDS: Art and Technology, Hybrid Spaces, Art and Society, Technology and Humanity, Posthumanist Aesthetics.


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How to Cite

CHICA MARTÍNEZ, M. G. (2023). Utopian Permanence: Hybrid Possibilities for an Uncertain Present. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 349–365. https://doi.org/10.18537/tria.14.01.25


