Expanding the Circle: How I Choose to Be Whoever I Choose to Be


  • MARCELA SAMUDIO GRANADOS University of Málaga




When we define feminism only in terms of “conquest” of rights, that definition falls short of the notion of feminism as a certain, different point of view that leads us to signify and resignify our ways of being, feeling, and living. In each moment of history, there is a patriarchal canon that builds a “circle” within which men dominate in scientific, artistic, and cultural practices. In this article, we will review aspects of the history of art, literature, photography, and cinema, in order to put that “circle” into question, so that we can promote for there to be more possibilities to appreciate different views (in this case, female and feminist views) that can enrich the “circle” and transform it.

KEYWORDS: Feminisms, arts, culture, inclusive education, gender.


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How to Cite

SAMUDIO GRANADOS, M. . (2023). Expanding the Circle: How I Choose to Be Whoever I Choose to Be. Tsantsa. Revista De Investigaciones artísticas, (14), 381–392. https://doi.org/10.18537/tria.14.01.27


