Digital tools as pedagogical strategies in the creative process of the visual arts



Painting, Drawing, Art, Pedagogy, technology


This work proposes a reasoning on contemporary artistic action in the field of visual arts and technology, using a system of research that is qualitative, comparative and documented based on the results of existing didactic-experimental projects that visualize the creative nuances of digital software within the visual evolution of the arts and the unavoidable adaptation that students and teachers face in the distinct learning processes, obtaining a congruent discourse that enriches the culture of art within a context that ignores the possibility of technological denial and that, on the contrary, tries day after day to adapt and recognize the use of new didactic platforms. In addition, the project maintains an academic approach focused on virtualities, applied from pedagogy; it investigates, suggests and documents other points of view from the teaching experience in different pedagogical projects referring to the impact created by the new virtualities within the creative process and its expressive possibilities, as well as in the final result of the work of art while warning an important change in era, not only on an academic level but also on a social and cultural level, therefore giving way to new teaching possibilities in the field of visual arts. 


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