Public management and social support on Facebook in pandemic scenarios


  • Edwin Arango Espinal Universidad del Valle
  • Carlos Fernando Osorio Andrade Universidad del Valle
  • Hector Augusto Rodriguez Orejuela Universidad del Valle



Sentiment analysis, political control, public management, social support, social networks


The participation of social media users in the political control of the public management of the President of Colombia due to regulatory decisions related to the arrival of COVID-19 has generated different emotional reactions. This research analyzes the citizens' feelings on Facebook regarding the management of the president of Colombia during pandemic times. 12.474 comments are extracted from the Colombia Presidency's official fan page, through data mining. Then a Machine Learning model is applied to classify the underlying sentiments in the data set. The results suggest that the Colombians' emotions towards the president of the Republic change significantly before the decrees and/or established public decisions.


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How to Cite

Arango Espinal, E., Osorio Andrade, C. F., & Rodriguez Orejuela, H. A. (2023). Public management and social support on Facebook in pandemic scenarios. Economy and Politics Journal, (38), 152–169.


