Business characteristics and their influence on the financing decision during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from companies in Ecuador


  • Edgar Rolando Becerra Palacios
  • Rosa V. Rojas Luna Universidad de Cuenca
  • Jessica G. Arpi Chicaiza Universidad de Cuenca
  • Kevin W. Sánchez Jiménez Universidad de Cuenca



Financing, COVID-19, business characteristics, manager characteristics


Financing is relevant to deal with business crises, even more after the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, the objective of the study is to determine the influence of the characteristics of the companies and the managers of the organizations registered in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Azogues on the decision of additional financing during the health crisis, for this a questionnaire was applied to 135 partners. Using Spearman's correlation and binary logistic regression, it is evident that the characteristics of the companies (economic sector, legal structure, experience, number of workers, paralysis of activities and capital structure) partially influence the decision of additional financing, given that only the capital structure has a positively significant relationship with the treatment variable, while the characteristics of the manager (age, sex, level of education and years of experience) have no influence.


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How to Cite

Becerra Palacios, E. R., Rojas Luna, R. V., Arpi Chicaiza, J. G., & Sánchez Jiménez, K. W. (2024). Business characteristics and their influence on the financing decision during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from companies in Ecuador. Economy and Politics Journal, (39), 21–40.


