A look at the process of construction of the Law Food Sovereignty and Food Nutrition Security of Cuba


  • Maritza de la Caridad Mc´Comark Bequer Universidad de La Habana
  • Mayra Cruz Legón
  • Yelitza Garcia Brito Universidad de La Habana
  • Lizandra Rodríguez Valdés Universidad de La Habana




right to food, food and nutrition security, systematization, food sovereignty


Cuba faces a complex situation related to the warranty of the pillars of food and nutrition security; due to the international economic crisis, the irrational use of natural resources and the impact of climate change; a situation that gets worse due to the lack of financial resources and the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. In this scene, the Cuban State and Government´s bet to approve the Plan of Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education and its consequent legal instrumentation, the Law of Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security. The present article contains the construction process of these legal regulations, the novel methodologies used for their elaboration, and the systematization of good practices and lessons learned in this legislative process.


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How to Cite

Mc´Comark Bequer, M. de la C., Cruz Legón, M., Garcia Brito, Y., & Rodríguez Valdés, L. (2024). A look at the process of construction of the Law Food Sovereignty and Food Nutrition Security of Cuba. Economy and Politics Journal, (39), 159–174. https://doi.org/10.25097/rep.n39.2024.09


