Analysis of Profitability and its relation to Credit Risk and Liquidity of the Mutualists in Ecuador
Credit risk, Financial risk, Liquidity, Mutual societies, PLS-SEM, ProfitabilityAbstract
The global COVID-19 pandemic caused significant economic and financial losses in the Ecuadorian banking sector. This study aims to determine the extent to which credit risk and liquidity affect the profitability of mutual savings banks in Ecuador between 2018 and 2021. To this end, the population consisted of the four existing mutual savings banks, and data from a panel of 192 observations were used, applying a PLS-SEM model to demonstrate the relationships. The results showed that credit risk has a negative impact on the liquidity and profitability of these financial institutions; in the case of liquidity, it was found that it does not affect profitability. Consequently, it is essential to control credit risk through delinquency indices, which makes it necessary to consider the structure of the loan portfolio.
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