Right to Adequate Food, Losses and Waste, and Genders. Overlapping Issues: conflicting solutions?


  • Valentina Castagnari Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
  • Mariano G. Valentini Universidad Torcuato Di Tella




right to food, losses and waste, gender, human rights, malnutrition


Unhealthy diets, preventable risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), pose a growing challenge that coexists with pre-existing and persistent malnutrition problems. These also coexist and interact synergistically with climate change dynamics, which threaten the sustainability of food systems, and are silently intersected by gender dynamics. States have adopted measures to address these issues, including regulations to promote healthy diets and prevent food loss and waste. However, state responses to problems with frequently common causes are often adopted in a fragmented manner, with elements that are contradictory to each other and the human rights framework. This paper presents the aforementioned discussions by comparing regulatory initiatives from three countries, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina, analyzing their internal compatibility and alignment with the international human rights framework. Finally, it proposes ideas to reconcile the diverse agendas from a comprehensive perspective.


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How to Cite

Castagnari, V., & Valentini, M. G. (2024). Right to Adequate Food, Losses and Waste, and Genders. Overlapping Issues: conflicting solutions?. Economy and Politics Journal, (40), 134–149. https://doi.org/10.25097/rep.n40.2024.08


