Medidas de protección como mecanismo de tutela de derechos: la tensión entre eficacia y presunción de inocencia
violence, victim, protection measures, pressumption of innocenceAbstract
Ecuadorian legislation on the protection of the rights of victims of violence has been incorporating institutions that adapt those international commitments acquired in different instruments for the protection of rights, including pro-tection mechanisms and establishing the role of the victim as a procedural sub-ject, after the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code came into force in August 2014, protection measures were incorporated, a legal figure that had as a prece-dent the Law against violence against women and the family (Law 103), in 2008 with the issuance of the Organic Code of the Judicial Function passes its adop-tion to the competence of the Judges of violence against women and family.With this background, in this article, I will explain the institution of protection measures, their purpose, and the possibility that they can be maintained in the event that there is a sentence ratifying innocence in favor of the person pro-secuted, without this constituting I undermine its presumption of innocence.
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