Aproximación neurocientífica a la esfera religiosa. Estrategias de afrontamiento espiritual y calidad de vida en personas que presentan experiencias oncológicas


  • Luis Bernal S. Universidad de Cuenca


neuroscience of religion, spiritual coping, quality of life, oncological experience


The present article carries out a theoretical analysis and a review of brain structures and the processing of the information regarding religious–spiritual monotheistic Judeo–Christian field. From anthropological, psychological, and neuroscientific theorizations, an explanation of “God construct” is provided and his link with faith, which is a cognitive–emotional component in the believer’s psychological life, in parallel, one of the mechanisms by which the human is related to the divinity is analyzed the prayer. The objectives of this research were: To relate the spiritual coping and the perception of quality of life in people who present cancer, 2) Identify brain structures that serve as the base of the religion complex. This kind of study was a quantitative and a correlational–descriptive significance. The sample is confirmed by 100 people who had different types of cancer. The psychometric instruments used were: Spiritual Coping Strategies Scale –SCS- and McGILL Quality of Life Questionnaire (MQOL). The results suggest that the most common strategy used by the participants was “to trust in God, hoping that things will get better”, with an average of 2.91 (DE=0.35), followed by “Keeping a relationship with God or/a superior power, as a source of strength and hope” with an average of 2.88 (DE=0.38), both strategies pertaining to religious coping. The non-spiritual coping is found slightly correlated in a positive way with CV global Rs=.243 and its physical symptoms Rs=.243; the existential subscale and the use of coping of strategies correlated in a positive way and with a moderate force.


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How to Cite

Bernal S., L. (2017). Aproximación neurocientífica a la esfera religiosa. Estrategias de afrontamiento espiritual y calidad de vida en personas que presentan experiencias oncológicas. Maskana, 8, 50–76. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ucuenca.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/maskana/article/view/1877