Customers' Perception on Service Quality: An Empirical Study




Cliente, Percepción, Servicio, SERVQUAL


This study focuses on to analyze the perception presented by customers in a service process provided by an organization under study. Considering that a positive perception provides better results and creates loyalty, becoming a strategy that generates a competitive advantage. Being able to provide a quality service is not only the delivery of the product, but the entire experience provided, from the conditions of the establishment to the attention span of the employees. The Angelus restaurants of the Tutto Freddo franchise were the object of study due to the great variety and diversity of their market segment. The SERVQUAL method was applied with a validation process of attributes and the quality of the service was analyzed with the application of validated surveys to a representative sample. The case exposes an analysis of ten attributes, three of them presented a considerable margin of gaps, such as speed of service, communication, and product/price ratio; improvement activities should impose a greater focus on these attributes for better customer feedback.


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How to Cite

Siavichay C, E. A. ., Cárdenas C, M. F., Vega R., L. G., Asanza M., D. C., & Barragán-Landy, M. F. (2023). Customers’ Perception on Service Quality: An Empirical Study. Maskana, 14(1), 9–21.



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