Quality of life in non-institutionalized older adults in Cuenca - Ecuador, 2022





calidad de vida, adulto mayor no institucionalizado, CAAM – IESS, Cuenca, Ecuador


In Ecuador there is a growing increase in the older adult population who have been exposed to social, economic and technological changes and to a health crisis that has affected their quality of life. The general objective of this research was to assess the quality of life in non-institutionalized older adults who attend the Elderly Care Center (CAAM) of the IESS in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, 2022. The methodological process was quantitative, with a non-experimental design and descriptive scope; therefore, measures of central tendency and dispersion were used. The participants were 101 older adults, 25 men and 76 women, between 61 and 89 years of age. A sociodemographic form was used to identify gender, marital status and educational level, as well as the Spanish version of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to assess the overall quality of life and its different domains. The results obtained showed that non-institutionalized older adults have a tendency towards a moderately high overall quality of life, with the environmental domain being the best rated. It is concluded that the non-institutionalized older adults of the CAAM of the city of Cuenca perceive their quality of life in a positive way and have a better satisfaction related to their environment.



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How to Cite

Samaniego Chalco, M. J., & Quito Calle, J. V. (2023). Quality of life in non-institutionalized older adults in Cuenca - Ecuador, 2022. Maskana, 14(1), 41–50. https://doi.org/10.18537/mskn.14.01.03



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