Christian Birkel, PhD


Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Dr. Christian Birkel is an Associate Professor of Hydrology at the Department of Geography at the University of Costa Rica. His research focuses on the measurement and modelling of streamflow generation and biogeochemical processes using tracer, hydrological and statistical time series modelling techniques to better understand catchment functioning and the variability of the water balance across different temporal and spatial scales. Insights from his research can be applied to assess the impacts of environmental change on the quality and quantity of surface waters. He did his PhD and post-doctoral work at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland where he was appointed as an Honorary Research Fellow in 2014. Since 2017 he is also affiliated to CATIE in Costa Rica as a Research Professor. Christian has authored >40 peer-refereed ISI listed papers, which have been cited more than 600 times and he secured grants for his research from international funding bodies worth >USD$ 500K. Christian serves as an Associate Editor for the journal Hydrological Processes.