
Before submitting a scientific manuscript based on an experimental study (research paper) to Maskana, it is important that the author (s) verify that their work meets the following requirements:

(a) The title must be clear, concise and be in line with the content of the article.

(b) A complete list of authors with their respective emails. Provide information on the affiliation of each author, also indicating who the author is for correspondence (that is, to whom the manuscript editor will address). Provide information on ORCID identification codes for author and co-authors.

(c) The manuscript must include a Spanish and English version of the title and summary.

(d) The introduction of the article should contain a summary of recent literature related to the subject. Generally, an article is based on existing knowledge and in this section (Introduction) a summary of the scientific rationale for which the study was conducted should be provided.

(e) Verify that the results of the study are in accordance with the methodology (or methodologies) used to collect and / or analyze the information. Also, verify that this section is limited to summarizing the results of the research in a logical sequence and without giving rise to subjective interpretations or prejudices.

(f) The discussion section of the study should present the main conclusions by comparing the results of the study with those findings or results of similar studies already published. Based on this comparison (between own and other people's results), alternative explanations of the findings must be provided (the investigation is to discover and not prove).

(g) The conclusions should briefly summarize the main results obtained and explain how their manuscript contributes in the respective field of study or area of ​​science.

(h) The bibliographic list should present only the reference of the authors cited in the text, verify that these references are correct and complete.


Before submitting a review paper to Maskana, it is important that the author (s) verify that their work meets the following requirements: 

(a) The first three and the last point of the previous list (scientific manuscript based on an experimental study) are also valid for a bibliographic review article.

(b) Clearly explain the reason and objectives of the review article.

(c) The type of review article should be indicated (for example: the exhaustive review of everything published in a certain topic, a descriptive review, which will provide useful concepts in constantly evolving areas, an evaluative review, which responds to a specific question about etiological, diagnostic, clinical or therapeutic aspects).

(d) Explain how the bibliographic search was carried out, the criteria used in the selection of documents, and how information processing was organized.

(e) A review article has a structure somewhat different from that of an original article (research paper). However, in general, the following sections can be found within a review article: a brief introduction where the rationale for the study is presented; a section on the methodology used, in this one the selection criteria of the reviewed works are exposed; a section on development and discussion, in which the main aspects of the articles reviewed and the synthesis of the results are presented; and the conclusions section, which presents the consequences of the review, proposals for new hypotheses and specific lines of research for the future.

When you submit your manuscript for revision to Maskana, in your e-mail or through a cover letter, please contact the Editor, Co-Editor or the journal team, without forgetting to mention (declare) that your manuscript has not been previously published, that is not in the process of being published, under review, or being considered for publication in another journal. Also, mention if there is any possible conflict of interest. In case your study involved experiments with animals or humans, indicate that the appropriate express consents were provided or that appropriate ethical standards were followed.