Towards a new epistemology of urban and architectural theory


  • Christian Contreras Escandón Universidad de Cuenca



This article is a theoretical reflection review of colonialism and modernity.  Some authors called Latin American critical thought, suggest that after the end of colonialism and colonial administrations, has established a world-system, where the coloniality and modernity are two sides of the same coin, and Western epistemology dominates over other epistemologies. With the background of this critical position, there is a need to review urban approaches from a decolonial perspective, and intends to discuss contemporary urban and architectural theory from the perspective of modernity / coloniality. In conclusion it arises move to specific areas of teaching urban / architectural design, in Latin American universities, the analysis of the crisis of legitimacy of modern knowledge and its global impact..

Keywords: Epistemology, modernity, colonialism, architecture, urbanism, design


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Author Biography

Christian Contreras Escandón, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Contreras Escandón, C. (2016). Towards a new epistemology of urban and architectural theory. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 5(9), 91–97.