Agreed Statements of the Workshop-Seminar: “Sustainable Architecture” A Bioclimatic Strategies Approach: The Ecuadorian Case
This paper exhibits the results achieved in the 1st Workshop-Seminar “Sustainable Architecture: The Ecuadorian Case”, which was accomplished as partial branch of the main research project “Sustainability Criteria Assessment of Buildings in Emerging Countries: The Ecuadorian Case”. Through this event, researchers expect to develop an assessment tool to evaluate sustainable building characteristics focused in a bioclimatic approach. Identify climate zones allow a realistic interpretation of the bioclimatic concepts analyzed. Five case studies were expounded to the experts’ judgment in order to ascertain design strategies needed in early stages of building planning. The start points of this research process are the concepts that arise from the professional and academic experiences of the participants. As a result of this seminar a validation proposal is reached, which allows the corroboration of the research findings.
Keywords: Sustainable Architecture, Architectural Design, Bioclimatic Architecture, Climatic Zones.
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