The human host and the accessibility practices at Ouro Preto´s heritage city


  • Leandro Benedini Brusadin Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Adriane Akemi Kumagai Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto



Ouro Preto obtained the title Humanity's Cultural Heritage for UNESCO in 1980. the present research analyses the Tour Assistance Center (CAT) and the Inconfidência Museum: the first because of being located in the main means of transport of arrival to the city (bus station), where CAT positions receive the visitors; the second for the important representative symbolic mark and the central location at the Square of Tiradentes. The methodology of this research was based on the bibliographical inquiry in books, articles and thesis in the areas of cultural heritage, accessibility and host. Was carried out, still, with photographic registers in situ and analysis of perception in both study objects. The result of this, in spite of the difficulties of these institutions in projects of physical accessibility are built for the imposition of the legislation to preservation of heritage cultural and of the urbane topography itself, some projects was created and articulated to host the resident and the tourist. Meantime, for the bearers of reduced mobility is necessary to create tools of access that go besides the physical forms of the buildings with the intention of providing social inclusion.

Keywords: accessibility, heritage, Ouro Preto, reduced mobility.


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How to Cite

Benedini Brusadin, L., & Akemi Kumagai, A. (2017). The human host and the accessibility practices at Ouro Preto´s heritage city. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 7(12), 83–91.