Assessment of rural wall fortifications using SfM digital photogrammetry technique. Methodological application to Alhonoz Castle (Ecija, Spain)
military architecture, digital photogrammetry, rammed-earth construction, damage, riskAbstract
The castle of Alhonoz, cataloged as Heritage Asset in 1985, is one of the most important fortresses in the municipality of Écija (Seville, Spain). The castle has been a strategic enclave for the populations settled in its environment since protohistoric times. In this study it is intended to implement the photo modelling as a tool into a methodology already tested by the authors. That methodology helps to contribute to the advance of knowledge of these defensive systems, allowing through a simple technique to obtain quickly, the necessary information to be able to evaluate and diagnose this type of structures. The implementation of this versatile and easy-to-use and low specialization methodology has enabled a reliable preliminary assessment for a decision making by competent technicians
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