The imagined city. The territories, the imaginary and the symbolic


  • Diego Jaramillo Paredes Universidad de Cuenca



The various approaches that, over time, have been developed and applied to study the urban, have privileged the visible city, the matter, the physical universe; it mean, the city itself such as spatial geographic dimension (the ecology of living) and not the urban as an socio-cultural and anthropological dimension (the culture of living).
The analysis of the material conditions of the city while it is necessary, is not sufficient, since the city is also a stage of desires of evocations and dreams of its inhabitants who, on a daily basis and relentless way, are building one or multiple images of her. This article, which is part of a research project on urban imaginaries, deals precisely the reflection on the city understood as a place of cultural event and scenario of an imaginary effect, the symbols on it built by its own inhabitants; that hidden or invisible city which constitutes a complex network of symbols in permanent construction. In this framework, we focus on the notion of territory, conceived as a cultural construction and its relationship with the imaginary and the symbolic.

Keywords: City, culture, territory, urban imaginaries.


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Author Biography

Diego Jaramillo Paredes, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Jaramillo Paredes, D. (2013). The imagined city. The territories, the imaginary and the symbolic. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 2(2), 27–37.