Classical logic and diffuse logic: facets that characterize them


  • Juan Almache Cabrera Universidad de Cuenca



Analysis of bibliographic information, such as methodological process for this article, led to the elaboration of matrices corresponding to each of the facets: logical, relational, epistemic and sets, from classic and diffuse logics. The interrelationship and analysis of different premises constants in these arrays allowed the diversification in the conception of each of them, whereas the classical logic as a science of the formal and regulatory principles of reasoning, which focuses on the logical form of adopting the thoughts to the construction of formal languages with clarity and precision, and diffuse logic as the science of the formal principles of approximate reasoning, flexible and tolerant of imprecision, capable of modeling non-linear problems.
In addition, applications of diffuse logic are briefly manifested, among others: control systems and neural networks.

Keywords: Logic, control systems, neural networks.


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Author Biography

Juan Almache Cabrera, Universidad de Cuenca



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How to Cite

Almache Cabrera, J. (2013). Classical logic and diffuse logic: facets that characterize them. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 2(2), 91–101.