The application of colour to modern architecture: A review of projects by Bruno Taut and Le Corbusier




modern architecture, painting, colour, Le Corbusier, Bruno Taut


Architecture and painting are at a turning point in the early part of the 20th century. The arrival of Modernity or International Style meant a rethinking of the ways of building, since materials such as concrete, iron or glass appeared on the scene, conditioning not only the constructive process, but also the aesthetics of the building. But this is not the only characteristic of this change. Colour, traditionally associated with the pictorial field, became part of architecture as a covering, which is applied in accordance with the purpose pursued by the designer, who in this case is also the architect. To put this aesthetic change into context, two projects will be analyzed, one by Bruno Taut and other by Le Corbusier.


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Author Biographies

Aurora Alcaide Ramírez, Universidad de Murcia

Aurora Alcaide Ramírez (Córdoba,1975). Graduate and Doctor in Fine Arts from the UGR (1998 and 2003). Since 2005 Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Murcia (Head of Department from 2018). She is director of the Art and Identity Policy Research Group and assistant director of the journal of the same name. At present she participates in the projects I+D+i El barrio como escenario de pedagogías criticas y arte colaborativo (PGC2018-094351-B-C42) and Reset: Mar Menor - Laboratorio de imaginarios para un paisaje en crisis (AC2017-es-0126). His publications include: "Zoom a la inmigración: creadoras colombianas en España. Aproximaciones a dos casos de estudio", in Creadoras de imágenes. Mujer y transmedialidad (77-96), Academia del Hispanismo (Vigo, 2020); "Autobiografía, memoria e identidad en la obra de mujeres artistas migrantes. Comparative study between the creations of Puerto Rican Brenda Cruz and Cuban Gertrudis Rivalta", Centro Journal, XXIX (I), spring 2016, 152-183, and "Glocal and anthropophagous creativity: the expressive poetics of César Martínez", in Brincando fronteras. Mexican local creations and globalisation, CONACULTA (Mexico, 2012).

Ana Ruiz Abellón, Universidad de Murcia

Ana Ruiz Abellón (Murcia, 23 October 1991). University of Murcia

Degree in Fine Arts, University of Murcia (2010-2014), Master in Management and Artistic Production, University of Murcia (2014-2016) and Doctorate in Arts and Humanities, University of Murcia (2016-2020). With publications aimed at addressing the study of pictorial projects carried out in urban space, where colour is the protagonist. Specifically, the results have been published both in magazines and in conferences, such as the magazine Arte y Sociedad "Nuevas formas de pintar. Marlon de Azambuja y la transformación plástica del espacio urbano" (2017, nº 13), as well as in the magazine URBS "La ciudad como espacio de nuevas creaciones artesísticas: el caso de Potencial escultórico" (2017, Vol. 7, nº 2). Moreover, this research has also been presented in national and international conferences. The first corresponds to that carried out by the University of Granada, From South to South (2017), and the second to the International Congress on Contemporary European Painting, University of Porto (2017).



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How to Cite

Ramírez, A. A., & Ruiz Abellón, A. (2021). The application of colour to modern architecture: A review of projects by Bruno Taut and Le Corbusier . Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 10(20).