Impact of the urban soundscape from the subjective register of the users. Methodological-instrumental approach


  • Marta Susana Cisterna Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
  • Arturo Raúl Maristany Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Guillermo Enrique Gonzalo Universidad Nacional de Tucumán



soundscape, study methodology, subjective assessment, urban space, Tucumán


An analysis is developed which integrates the objective approach to acoustics with the subjective approach to the concept of soundscape. Through a quantitativequalitative methodology, the sound itself is analyzed, as well as the evaluation of the subjects who perceive it, located in a certain environmental, social and cultural context. The chosen object of study is the Plaza Urquiza in Tucumán, Argentina, of historical heritage value, where leisure activities are traditionally developed. The methodology involves the study of the physical conditions, sound pressure levels, location and temporal structure of sound sources. Then, in order to know the perception and the evaluation of the soundscape, he proposes to carry out interviews and surveys whose data are processed by descriptive statistics and the constant comparison method. The research develops a feasible methodology to be applied for the study of the soundscape and allows the conception of design recommendations to improve the acoustic quality of this public space and others like it.


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How to Cite

Cisterna, M. S., Maristany, A. R. ., & Gonzalo, G. E. . (2021). Impact of the urban soundscape from the subjective register of the users. Methodological-instrumental approach. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 10(20).