Asian influences in the search for comfort in the Chilean colonial period: from the carpet to the estrado




estrado, comfort, home, Hispanic America, Colonial Period


In the austere Chilean and Spanish-American colonial houses, a piece of furniture for daily use stood out: el estrado. Element that would have its origin in the textilatry that arose early in Central Asia and in Islamic culture and whose greatest exponent was the carpet, which made a way to the European world through the Flemish trade. This work aims to demonstrate the eastern origin of the estrado, through its Asian and later European transit until it arrived in America, and also to highlight the social role it acquired by becoming essentially feminine furniture within the space of the especially Chilean colonial house.


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Author Biography

Mauricio Alejandro Baros Townsend, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile, 1986

Magister en Arquitectura. P.Universidad Católica de Chile, 1993

Doctor en Arquitectura, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2014

Academico Universidad de Chile 1986-2016

Académico Universidad San Sebastián. 2015-2016


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How to Cite

Baros Townsend, M. A. (2021). Asian influences in the search for comfort in the Chilean colonial period: from the carpet to the estrado. Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 10(20).