Loja Urban Green System as the structuring base of the city





green infrastructure, green system, biodiversity, sustainable city, Loja


Green infrastructure constitutes a new way of planning and managing the territory as a network of natural and semi-natural spaces that offer various ecosystem services; taking special importance in the urban environment for its contribution to the improvement of the quality of life, the conservation of biodiversity and the link with the rural context. This research addresses the identification and structure of the system’s elements in a city surrounded by a natural potential, through the introduction to its meaning, the systemic understanding of its elements in the case of the basin of Loja for its analysis and configuration, with a vision of guiding its management and conception. Thus, the urban green system of Loja tries to become the support of a sustainable city that contributes to creating a better place to live in relation to nature.


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How to Cite

Segarra Morales, G., Torres Gutiérrez, M., & González Roldán, C. S. (2021). Loja Urban Green System as the structuring base of the city . Estoa. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, 10(20). https://doi.org/10.18537/est.v010.n020.a05