Methodology to improving energy efficiency of building envelope of heath sector
Energy efficiency, health subsector, retrofit, building envelope, passive designAbstract
The energy-intensive buildings of the health sector represent a scenario with significant potential for the application of energy efficiency measures. A methodology is proposed that allows to identify and quantify energy consumption and the basic technical-constructive situation of the built building and analyse the design variables that have the greatest impact on energy saving and habitability, both globally (building) and differential (areas). This methodology constitutes a tool to propose specific improvement alternatives by area, aimed at recycling the building envelope, based on “passive design” techniques. The application of the methodology to a case study of the city of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina is presented. Likewise, its instrumentation makes it possible to compare scenarios between buildings with similar characteristics, and / or replicate the methodology to buildings in other regions based on considering the guidelines of the bioclimatic zones of the IRAM 11603.
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